Okay, first off, sorry there has been hardly any posts lately! There just hasn't been very much to post about. But that will change soon-it's a surprise why, but it WILL change soon!

And,basically, here is the rest of my summer: I'm going on another trip to my grandma's house from Monday to Thursday, and then I come home and from Friday to Saturday I go to my friend Alexandra's house. The week after that I have In-Person Registration for my school, and then either from the 19th-20th I'm going to my friend's house or from the 20th-21st I'm going to my friends house...we haven't figured out which yet. On Tuesday of the following week, school starts. Wow. 

So, as you may have figured out, there isn't very much time for me to post for the rest of the summer, but don't worry, I'll find time to fit you guys in. 

Now, for the trip to my grandma's house, I am going to take one of my American Girl Dolls. Just one, though. I've realized that it's just too much to lug them all around...

As you may or may not know, Thistle's ankle is healed by now, as posted by her on Soul Writing, so if she comes, she will be able to do fun things.

Please comment and tell me who you think I should bring!


P.S. We're going this weekend to look at the things that I'm getting-you know the thing I mentioned at the beginning of the post but refused to tell you what it is? Yeah, I'm super excited!

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