I realize that I've never really taken the time to post pictures or talk about my pets. So, I'm doing a post about it now. By the way, I'm trying to do a post at least every other day, but don't throw tomatoes if I forget a day! Anyway, back to my pets. DOODLE: Doodle is a lovable cross between a dachshund and a chihuahua. She is a small lap dog that loves people and licking toes (never wear sandals around her). Color: Mostly black with some brown and white. Personality: Lovable and loves everyone. Hates other dogs. We wish she liked other dogs, but she despises them and barks every time one comes near. She's all bark and no bite. Hates collars, doesn't mind harnesses. Lap dog. TEO/ALIEN You can see by the second picture why we call her "Alien". SHE HAS HUGE EYES! (her left eye doesn't really look like that, it's only the glare of the camera flash). My dad found her at a car dealership, starved and her face covered in tar. She has never had very good eyesight because of this, and she's very cautious. Color: Mostly white with splotches of grey and stripes and spots of black inside the grey. Personality: Jumpy, sweet, and love love LOVES catnip (she finds the leftovers from long ago on the cat tree and goes crazy, and then she gets really tired and goes to sleep). Causes trouble. Only likes to be held when she decides to climb into your arms, only likes to sleep on your lap when she climbs on. SNOO My dad added the speech bubble on the second one. Snoo is the last homeborn cat we have. Color: Black all the way through. Green eyes. Personality: Playful and protective. Any foreign cat on "his" territory that threatens him, he never goes down without a fight. And usually, he wins. He soaks up attention when you pet him, but if you so much as brush up against his belly fur, he switches into playful mood and begins to bat at your hand. WARNING: DO NOT RUB HIS TUMMY! He then switches out of playful mood and into grabbing-your-hand-with-his-front-paws-and-biting-the-fingers mode. KINA Kina is the oldest cat we have. When we first got her, she was already old. We've had her since I was five. Color: Black. Fur sticks together in tufts because she is no longer flexible enough to clean herself. Personality: She used to be a grouchy old lady who enjoyed getting on places she wasn't supposed to. While she still gets on places she's not supposed to, she enjoys being held now, as long as she gets to choose when she leaves. Spends most of her time sleeping (no surprise there...she is a cat...) and hoggs the food only slightly less than Snoo, although she is much thinner than she used to be.
Again sorry for the lack of posting lately. I'm trying to make up for it.
Anyways, here is what's happened with the Dolls: Thistle's cast is off. She posted about it on her blog. Camp ended. Sorry :( Their room situation is...hard to explain. See, with my new sewing machine (see post below), I have to put it somewhere when I'm not using it. Under my desk, where the Dolls' bedroom is, is the only place I can put it, and it takes up a bunch of room. The Dolls have been sleeping in the hallway a bunch lately. Fortunately, they haven't said anything and I'm thankful to them, but I still hope to figure out something soon. Felicity designed five outfits, Lizzy painted three canvases and started two, and Thistle got a new insparation for a book. Now, that pretty much brings you up to speed. Sorry again for lack of posting. I WILL POST A PHOTOSTORY OF THEIR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL ON MONDAY!!! ;) -Doodledog I am SO SORRY that I haven't posted in FOREVER!!!!!! Things have been really crazy around here, since school starts next week and we're trying to fit in all of the last-minute trips to grandparents and friends. My friend has a play tomorrow, and then I have three days of relaxation (AT LAST!) until school starts on Tuesday, August 24th. I'm really excited about school starting! I know, I'm crazy. It's just the awesome school I go to. Not telling you what it is. Sorry, public internet... Anyways, I have been hinting in my last few posts about a surprise that will help me post more. I got it a long time ago, but I never had a chance to post the pictures I took of it. So, here is the surprise: I got a brand-new... SEWING MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!! You may have noticed that in the last couple pictures, Thistle was wearing the dress I made (if you have no idea what I am talking about, you might want to read all of the blog posts that you missed). A few days after I made that dress, it kinda fell apart. Now, I have resewed it with my sewing machine, and it's good as new! I love my new sewing machine! It's a Singer, as you may have noticed. I got it at Target for under 100 dollars. It works very well, and it's my first sewing machine. It's great for beginners!
My choices were that one and one that was green instead of red. However, I had been looking at sewing machines online, and some reviews on the green one said that it stopped working after a month. But guess what? The one I got has a 25-year limited warranty, so if THIS one breaks down (although I didn't find this one online, so I didn't have any reviews on it) I can return it. But it has served me wellsince I got it. Anyways, I have to go now. School starts on Tuesday, so my scedule will even out. I will try to post when I get home from school, but I'll have homework so it will have to be later OR my posts will be super short. Expect more posts on the weekends. -Doodledog (P.S. Sorry I didn't get, like, any photostories of the Girls' camp up...summer has been busier than I thought it would be.) Okay, first off, sorry there has been hardly any posts lately! There just hasn't been very much to post about. But that will change soon-it's a surprise why, but it WILL change soon!
And,basically, here is the rest of my summer: I'm going on another trip to my grandma's house from Monday to Thursday, and then I come home and from Friday to Saturday I go to my friend Alexandra's house. The week after that I have In-Person Registration for my school, and then either from the 19th-20th I'm going to my friend's house or from the 20th-21st I'm going to my friends house...we haven't figured out which yet. On Tuesday of the following week, school starts. Wow. So, as you may have figured out, there isn't very much time for me to post for the rest of the summer, but don't worry, I'll find time to fit you guys in. Now, for the trip to my grandma's house, I am going to take one of my American Girl Dolls. Just one, though. I've realized that it's just too much to lug them all around... As you may or may not know, Thistle's ankle is healed by now, as posted by her on Soul Writing, so if she comes, she will be able to do fun things. Please comment and tell me who you think I should bring! Thanks, -Doodledog P.S. We're going this weekend to look at the things that I'm getting-you know the thing I mentioned at the beginning of the post but refused to tell you what it is? Yeah, I'm super excited! I was one of the two people who entered on the photography contest for Day 3 of Through the Lens, so I had a 50/50 chance of winning. But my competition's picture was really I didn't think I'd win. BUT I DID!!!! YAY! I can enter again, but I'm still happy for winning this one. It's the first contest I've ever entered. I won this for my banner: Here's the picture that I won with! Well, this inspired me to do one.
Expect a post later on it! -Doodledog Hey everyone! I'm entering a photo contest over at Through the Lens, where we can photograph anything. So here's my cat, Alien (she has SUPER big eyes when she openes them really wide). So...yeah, here she is! So, there it is! I'll let you know if I win!
-Doodledog (P.S.-I'm going to go outside and take pics of the Dolls at camp today. Hopefully I'll get those up later today!) I think even Thistle is posting more than me!
Agian, super sorry about this, but I promise, I'll get some pictures of the Dolls at camp up soon! Tomorrow they're climbing the wall outside of my house...sounds fun! Anyway, learn about progress on Thistle's injury at Soul Writing ( She refuses to let me post it on here. Again sorry about lack of posting, I'll try to post tomorrow with pictures of the climbing contest! Thanks to all of my followers for being so patient!!! -Doodledog I'm super sorry that I have barely been posting very much lately. It's because I started using Picnik to put "Doodledog" on my photos, but it takes forever if you do it for free. I'm thinking of just switching to Picasa...does anyone out there use it? Is it good? What else is there that I can use? Hey! Here are the results to the survey! Sorry it's kind-of hard to read. I'm still getting used to doing screenshots...comment if you need me to clarify any of the words. Even though I know no one is going to comment, even if they can't understand anything. No one ever does...but that's okay.
Please scroll down to see pictures from my trip that I posted earlier, if you haven't read them already. -Doodledog Hey everyone! I've just been getting in touch with Picnik, so I haven't posted very much lately >_< Sorry! Anyway, here are some more pictures from my trip!!! ![]() Here's where they were starting to pack up. Lizzy refused to let Thistle gold her sleeping bag. ![]() Lizzy made her sit down while SHE folded it instead, refusing to do her own packing until Thistle's was finished. ![]() But, when Lizzy was done with Thistle's packing and began to pack her own clothes away, Thistle secretly began folding Lizzy's sleeping bag. ![]() Lizzy didn't even seem to noice! Finally, after everything was packed, Lizzy and Felicity went outside to play some more before they left. Thistle decided to stay inside and read. Well, THE END!! I hope you liked it...
Thistle has a little surprise on her blog, but you have to go there in order to read it. She refuses to let me post it. That's all for today!!! -Doodledog |