1. Only four more school days!
2. The survey results! (I didn't delete them on accident this time ;) )
    -How would you rate my website?
                 >5-best= 4 votes
                 >4= 3 votes
                 >3, 2, and 1= 0 votes (I'm obviously doing SOMETHING right!)
     -Out of these, what do you like best about my blog?
                 >The new Tween Girls Daybook=0
                 >My photostories=7
                 >Pictures you put up in a gallery=0
                 >My Short Stories=4
                 >My random posts!=2
     -Do you ever have any questions to ask me?
                 >Yes, lots of times=0
                 >No, never=1
     -Do you have anything else to say about my blog?
                 >"Your blog is awesome"
                 >"i love it"
                 >"it rocks!"
                 >"it's awesome"

So, yes, thank you to anyone and everyone who voted! ;)

3. I have moved the Dolls' room! It used to be by my bedside table, but it got too crowded there. Their room is now under my desk...here are pictures!
So, yes, that is their new room. The each have one containter that holds their clothes, shoes, and accessories. I wrote their initials on their boxes so they wouldn't get them mixed up. Also, that cloth that's on Elizabeth's sleeping bag (on top of her container) is now made into a dress for the dolls (see older post).

I am also thinking of sewing them an apron...the fabric I have is a kind-of light green with flowers as decoration...what do you think? I'll post pictures if I make it.
