I am going to be gone at my grandmother's house from Monday to Friday this week, and it seems as though Weebly doesn't have any sceduled posts, so no posting on those days :( BUT! I will be sure to take LOTS of pictures and post them ASAP when I get back.
The What Do You Think:
Thistle was increadibly sad when I deleted their site, Three American Sisters. Teetee and Lizzy were okay, but Thistle said that she was really going to miss writing the Naomi series, and that writing it on my website just wasn't the same. And, now that she has a broken ankle, she's bored all of the time. So, I was thinking...what if I made her a website of her own? Where she could write the Naomi series and about other things that go on in her mind? She wrote most on Three American Sisters, and was the most unhappy when it was gone. So I think I'm going to surprise her with a website...and she can name it what she wants to. I would be delighted if I could get your imput on this! Please comment!
Anyway, that's all for today, I'll probably make a website for Thistle later on and I'll post about it. Thanks!