Well...I'll be gone for five days. I'll post as many pictures as I can, but Thistle wants to post a few on her website, Soul Writing (www.soulwriting.weebly.com), so I'l save some for her. Sorry they don't have internet there...but I guess I need to take a break anyway. I come on here a lot, even though I don't post every time. So it's kinda like a vacation, which is definately how the Dolls like to look at it. So...goodbye for five days! Miss me ;)
I made Thistle her site! It's called Amythest, Famous Author, and she was SO happy and excited! Click here to go to her website, or copy and paste what's written below into your browser.
www.soulwriting.weebly.com Okay, the notice:
I am going to be gone at my grandmother's house from Monday to Friday this week, and it seems as though Weebly doesn't have any sceduled posts, so no posting on those days :( BUT! I will be sure to take LOTS of pictures and post them ASAP when I get back. The What Do You Think: Thistle was increadibly sad when I deleted their site, Three American Sisters. Teetee and Lizzy were okay, but Thistle said that she was really going to miss writing the Naomi series, and that writing it on my website just wasn't the same. And, now that she has a broken ankle, she's bored all of the time. So, I was thinking...what if I made her a website of her own? Where she could write the Naomi series and about other things that go on in her mind? She wrote most on Three American Sisters, and was the most unhappy when it was gone. So I think I'm going to surprise her with a website...and she can name it what she wants to. I would be delighted if I could get your imput on this! Please comment! Anyway, that's all for today, I'll probably make a website for Thistle later on and I'll post about it. Thanks! -Doodledog I bet you won't guess. Well, I was getting the dolls ready to go out for some fun in the sun, and Thistle fell off of a platform. And this had to take place: She broke her ankle and I had to make her a cast! ![]() After I made the cast, I had to lay her down in her bed and cover her with blankets so she could get some rest. ![]() I let her sisters in when I went to get food. "Maybe some outside playtime will cheer you up!" Felicity suggested, noticing how upset Thistle was. "Yeah," Thistle replied, beginning to smile. "Lizzy, can you help me up?" ![]() Lizzy bent down and grabbed Thistle's hand to pull her up. ![]() Thistle stood on her uninjured leg for a moment, then began to put weight on her broken ankle ![]() She fell down instantly with a yelp of pain. ![]() She fell onto a pile of books and began to cry. "My ankle hurts so much, I can't even stand on it!" she said miserably. ![]() The sisters, feeling horrible, bent down to help her up, careful to keep her ankle off of the ground. ![]() With Thistle between them, they escorted her, tears still streaming down her face, back to her bed. ![]() They placed her back in her bed gently. ![]() In the end, Thistle decided to go back to sleep while Teetee and Elizabeth So, in the end, POOR THISTLE!!!!! She's hoping she'll get some sympathy comments, so if you all could all just say, "I hope you heal fast!" or "I'm so sorry this happened! I hope you get well soon!" in a comment, both she and I would really appriciate it :)
Thanks in advance!!! -Doodledog Hey everyone! It's Father's Day! All I have to say to that is: say thanks to your dad. He does a whole lot for you. I know I bored you all with the whole Mother's Day speech, so I won't do that to you again ;)
Anyways, the school has already ended for the Dolls, but we're still continuing Art Sunday. It used to be Art Saturday, but we changed it. Sadly, the teacher had the Flu today, so I had to do the Art Sunday myself. We acomplished quite a lot, I must say, too. First, I had them all draw, and them I had them all write poetry. For the art, Thistle finished one painting and began a second. Teetee had began her first, but not finished (which was expected, mostly because she took 15 minutes to decide what she wanted to do, and when she finally did she ended up getting up 4 times to eat). Lizzy had finished two and almost finished her third. All in all, an accomplishment. Then, for the poetry. To no surprise, Thistle finished 4 poems and thought about her third. Each of her poems except one was three pages long. The fourth one was four pages long. Lizzy finished two, one page apiece. Teetee finished one poem, two pages long. Another accomplishment. Then came Free Art Time, which lasted an hour. But we have ten minutes of prep time for it (at first, I didn't understand why we had prep time, now I understand completely). For the ten minutes of prep time, Lizzy got seven canvases and painted them each a different backround color. Thistle got out her computer and began opening Word documents, deciding on which one(s) she wanted to write on. Teetee got out lots of fabric and started threading her needle. When Free Art Time finally began, Lizzy finished all seven canvases and resorted to drawing, Thistle finished six chapters of one book and three of another. Teetee almost finished an entire outfit. So, yeah, that was Art Sunday. Also, I noticed that A LOT of people viewed my website yesterday...thanks to all of you who viewed my site, and sorry I didn't post anything! :( To let you know, my mom made me clean all day and she wouldn't let me get on the computer...oh well. She seems to want to do this every weekend. Also, from Tuesday to Thursday next week I will be going to my Grandmother's house in Hemet. She doesn't have internet. Then on Friday I'm going to a sleepover for a birthday party of one of my friends...too much fun there to go on the COMPUTER!!! However, I am trying to figure out if I can do a sceduled post. I'll let you know! Thanks for reading! -Doodledog So, this is my second post today. If you haven't seen my first in which we begin "celebration", scroll down to my last post. Anyway, I went outside, wanting to make a full-on photostory, and then realized that it is WAY too hot to do too much. So I took a few pictures with some storyline to them. Yay! PHOTOSTORY: ADVENTURE OUTDOORS pictures and storyline by: Doodledog ![]() When we first went outside, all of the girls were increadibly disappointed because...well, you can guess. I had to explain to them that this wasn't the best part. ![]() When we went down, Felicity fell in some spiderwebs! ![]() I don't know if you can see them that well, but the spiderwebs are on the top...or what's left of the spiderwebs... ![]() Lizzy posed in front of the creek that runs past my backyard...I'm surprised it's not mostly dried up yet! ![]() Little Clumsy Amythest fell on the way down. Luckily, she wasn't hurt. ![]() Felicity looked out calmly to the running water. She REALLY likes running water. So, sadly, that's all I could handle out there for now. But no worries, I'll try and take more during the week and the rest of the summer. But I'll only be able to take about this many photos at a time, with the hotness out there and three dolls rolling around in spiderwebs and falling down. All three of them fell down this big dip, I was surprised (but thankful) that no one was injured. Except Amythest, she escaped with a couple of scrapes to the knees. But she's fine, no blood or anything.
Anyways, I still think I'll be back later today. Write you later! -Doodledog (P.S. Please please PLEASE vote on my survey! It's just on the sidebar, you don't have to give any personal information or anything...just vote! Thanks in advance!) Title says all. From these pictures, can you tell anything that's NEW or DIFFERENT? So, yeah, can you guess what's different? I'll give you a hint: look back at my last few posts.
Now, I shall reveal what is different: you're getting closer! Keep going! Almost there, keep it up! I GOT A NEW CAMERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAYYYYY! And it is a very elegant Canon PowerShot...bought with my own money. Yay! I'm so happy that I can do photostories and random pictures and such! So...expect something later today! I'm definately going to be busy taking pics!!!!!!! -Doodledog So, yeah, the title doesn't make too much sense, but trust me, it will.
New: I am going to add a new thing called Book Reviews. After I read a book, I will review it on here, and if any of you had read the book then you can comment and tell me what you think of it. It's another way of keeping my site interesting with no pictures and all. Anniversary: My website is going to be 6 months old on July 27th, 2010! I will probably do a short story or something...some kind of special post :) So, that's all for now. Sorry I've been so boring lately. I'll spice things up soon, don't worry! -Doodledog Yay! It's the first day of summer vacation for me! :) I'm so happy!
THE DOWNSIDE: We have absolutely NO idea what is wrong with my camera. We even got a new memory card for it, and now the thing won't even turn on unless I take the memory card out! AARRGGHH!!!!!!!! Do any of you know what's wrong with my camera??? So, I might need to get a new camera...but I really like my camera!!!! :( I'm so sad! But, I will still try to do short stories and such. Check back soon! -Doodledog Why a large sigh? Well, it's a long story, but long story short: the memory card in my camera won't work, therefore it won't let me take videos or pictures. AARRGGHH!!!!!!!! Sorry. But...yeah, until we get a new memory card, there will only be a few pictures, because I can store a little on my camera battery...not very much at all, though. So, it will just be a few.
In the meantime, I have redone the format on my site...I love the header. I know it doesn't say "Girls Only" on it, but I love it because one of my favorite things in life is a blank page staring back at you, begging and pleading to be written on, to be given words that create images in the mind, that satisfy the reader. One of the things about me: I absolutely LOVE to write and read, they are my two hobbies (besides collecting callenders...I'll show you a picture of that sometime). When I was little, I would start stories, think of another storyline, and never finish. But I came up with some good ideas. I am now writing with a good friend of mine, and idea that we have both contributed to greatly...we have been working on it for at least a year now, and we've really put our all into it. I hope to see it in bookstores soon! Then she and I will have to start a blog together and post about us...I won't tell you guys our name (the both of our names combined...it's really awesome, my partner came up with it), you'll have to find out when our book is in bookstores ;). Well, now I'm way off subject...but I will still post whenever I'm able to, I promise. I will try to take as many pictures as possible still, but expect less than usual. -Doodledog |