BUT I DID!!!! YAY! I can enter again, but I'm still happy for winning this one. It's the first contest I've ever entered. I won this for my banner:
Expect a post later on it!
I was one of the two people who entered on the photography contest for Day 3 of Through the Lens, so I had a 50/50 chance of winning. But my competition's picture was really good...so I didn't think I'd win. BUT I DID!!!! YAY! I can enter again, but I'm still happy for winning this one. It's the first contest I've ever entered. I won this for my banner: Here's the picture that I won with! Well, this inspired me to do one.
Expect a post later on it! -Doodledog
Hey everyone! I'm entering a photo contest over at Through the Lens, where we can photograph anything. So here's my cat, Alien (she has SUPER big eyes when she openes them really wide). So...yeah, here she is! So, there it is! I'll let you know if I win!
-Doodledog (P.S.-I'm going to go outside and take pics of the Dolls at camp today. Hopefully I'll get those up later today!) I think even Thistle is posting more than me!
Agian, super sorry about this, but I promise, I'll get some pictures of the Dolls at camp up soon! Tomorrow they're climbing the wall outside of my house...sounds fun! Anyway, learn about progress on Thistle's injury at Soul Writing (www.soulwriting.weebly.com). She refuses to let me post it on here. Again sorry about lack of posting, I'll try to post tomorrow with pictures of the climbing contest! Thanks to all of my followers for being so patient!!! -Doodledog I'm super sorry that I have barely been posting very much lately. It's because I started using Picnik to put "Doodledog" on my photos, but it takes forever if you do it for free. I'm thinking of just switching to Picasa...does anyone out there use it? Is it good? What else is there that I can use? Hey! Here are the results to the survey! Sorry it's kind-of hard to read. I'm still getting used to doing screenshots...comment if you need me to clarify any of the words. Even though I know no one is going to comment, even if they can't understand anything. No one ever does...but that's okay.
Please scroll down to see pictures from my trip that I posted earlier, if you haven't read them already. -Doodledog Hey everyone! I've just been getting in touch with Picnik, so I haven't posted very much lately >_< Sorry! Anyway, here are some more pictures from my trip!!! ![]() Here's where they were starting to pack up. Lizzy refused to let Thistle gold her sleeping bag. ![]() Lizzy made her sit down while SHE folded it instead, refusing to do her own packing until Thistle's was finished. ![]() But, when Lizzy was done with Thistle's packing and began to pack her own clothes away, Thistle secretly began folding Lizzy's sleeping bag. ![]() Lizzy didn't even seem to noice! Finally, after everything was packed, Lizzy and Felicity went outside to play some more before they left. Thistle decided to stay inside and read. Well, THE END!! I hope you liked it...
Thistle has a little surprise on her blog, but you have to go there in order to read it. She refuses to let me post it. That's all for today!!! -Doodledog What makes me sad:
When I look at other doll blogs and each of their posts has at least two comments, and then I come and check my blog and there are no comments except from my best friends, a really long time ago. When I ask people to please vote on my poll, and I see that 15 people view my website after I post that, and I only get one more form entry. These are the things that make me sad about my website :( -Doodledog Hey everyone! I'm really sorry I don't have a photosotry today, but weebly's acting really weird and won't let me put pictures up. But, I will try later and tomorrow, and I will take a photostory today, the first photostory of the Under Shining Stars camp that I have decided to do. The teacher has decided to help, but she's not doing it herself. She's providing supplies for me to teach them! The camp starts today and ends August 9th, YAY! The girls are so excited!
And don't forget to check out Soul Writing (www.soulwriting.weebly.com), Thistle's blog! She doesn't post as often as I post on here, but she posts a whole lot more often than all of them did on Three American sisters! (p.s., I'm thinking of getting the girls a report card present...they all did super well! Lizzy and Thistle got strait A's, and Felicity got all A's and one B in math, her worst subject. But I have a small budget, so probably getting shoes or other accessories. What do you think?) -Doodledog Here's another photostory I made from my trip...I hope you enjoy it! ![]() I had invited the girls to go to Michaels with me, and Lizzy was the one who was mostly interested, so we brought her. She waited impatientely while we finished getting ready. ![]() In the car, she kept looking out the window irritibly, saying how it was taking forever to get there, when we had only been gone for about two minutes. ![]() So I put her in charge of the money. ![]() I told her to guard it really well, because we would be using it, and if we didn't have the money, we wouldn't be able to buy anything at Michaels. So she wrapped the Dolls' necklace around her hand and the money to make sure she wouldn't drop it. ![]() And here's what we got: Black sand ![]() Blue and green tossed glass, as well as pink and yellow and green tossed glass, but I didn't get a picture of that. And I absolutely adore this picture...I don't exactly know why. ![]() And, of course, glue! ![]() Here's a picture of the finished mosaic...it's the only picture I have that has the entire thing...and, well, after this picture was taken, the window fell and the glass broke. We managed to save the butterfly, still in one piece (the glue was holding it together) and the flower. And so that concludes the photostory for today.
Also, a lot of doll blogs are sending their dolls on camp...do you think I should? -Doodledog Sorry I've been gone for so long! I got back from my trip on Friday, but our internet's been acting kinda weird... Anyways, HAPPY (late) FOURTH OF JULY!!! And now, here are my pictures: (I have more, but I took so many pictures that I'm going to spread them out). ![]() Lizzy and Felicity kicked off their shoes to soak their feet in the pool. But while Felicity got down to dip them in... ![]() She took a little bit of an unexpected swim! Lizzy and I helped her out, and she layed down to dry off and took a nap. ![]() Lizzy posed with her for the camera. ![]() It was then that Lizzy realized that Thistle might be lonely, so she went over to join her. I only wish I could dip my feet in the water," Thistle said, looking longinly over to the pool. "Well, just just can't get your cast wet, right?" Lizzy replied thoughtfully. "That's right," Thistle answered, giving Lizzy a questioning look. "Then you can dip your uninjured leg in that water!" Lizzy called excitedly. "Oh! That's brilliant! Why didn't I think of that?!" Thistle cried, grinning from ear to ear. ![]() So Lizzy helped Thistle over to the pools edge and stayed guard to make sure that Thistle didn't accidentally fall like Felicity had. ![]() Finally, after she had dried off, Felicity woke up and shielded her face. "It's to hot," she mumbled. "The sun is burning my skin." "Come to think of it, it is getting pretty hot out here," Thistle agreed. Lizzy nodded, squinting up at the blazing ball in the sky. "Let's go inside," she suggested. That's all for today! I hope you liked it...I'll post more ASAP!!!
-Doodledog |