Well, I had a nice post planned with screenshots and everything, but weebly died on me. I will get the post up later today.
I've finally put up a poll...a NEW poll. I had the old one up for so long!
Anyways, so...it's about which historical doll you think I'm getting. PLEASE VOTE!!! It's right at the top of the sidebar, right over --> there.
We,, that's all for now. I've been so busy, but this weekend I will do a photostory, I promise!
Okay, so I'm not exactly sure how the subject came up, all I know is that my mom mentioned it first. She knows I'm REALLY into AG...
Okay, so basically, we fabric softened Felicity's hair because it's supposedly a trick that works really well. Then my mom asked if I would ever want to get Felicity a new head, since her hair is really old because we got her off of eBay. I still love her to death, but it would be nice if her hair was better. So we looked it up online and getting a new head is 39 dollars!
Then my mom asked if you could do it at the AG Place in LA because then we wouldn't have to pay shipping. I've also been mentioning how, if I were ever to buy another doll, I have my eye on one.
My mom said that we would probably be able to go to the AG place in LA. It won't bee anytime too soon, but that's because of me. See, I want to save up a BUNCH of money before we go so that I can buy a certain doll (who I am not going to name, you will be surprised) and clothes.
I won't tell you which doll I shall get, but here's a little hint:
Above are the eyes of the doll I will buy. Which means there's lots of dolls possible. Here's another hint: it's a Historical, not an MAG.
Well, that's about all for now. Can't wait!
P.S. I had a record on hits today! 79 hits in one day!!! Thanks to everyone who came and read! Sorry I posted so late!
Did I not promise to post a Fall Photostory?
Lizzy came out and posed for me in her Meet outfit :) Enjoy!
My personal fav. above.
I hope you liked it! I had a lot of fun taking the pictures :) I've noticed something about myself: I always LOVE the photos that are focused on something really close to the lens with the doll in the backround. Just something I've noticed.
Have a great weekend! I'll try to be back tomorrow!