Today was Lizzy's birthday, so Teetee, Thistle, and I decided to hold a surprise party for her. Teetee and Thistle refused to go out and buy any decorations, insisting that they "had it all planned out". My job was to distract Lizzy until noon, while the other girls decorated and hid her presents. I took Lizzy to the mall (her favorite place to go), and she got a bunch of art supplies. And when we came back, Lizzy went up to the American Girl's room to put away her new stuff, and she found...

"SURPRISE!" Teetee and Thistle yelled in unison, jumping out from their hiding places. At first, Lizzy looked very confused, and then extremely delighted. Even I was surprised at the decoration!

They had used their sleeping bags to decorate! I thought it was very creative, and by putting a sleeping bag over the table, one on the floor (used for a dance floor), and one hanging up against the back wall, they had transformed the room!

"Oh my gosh," Lizzy said blissfully. "Oh my gosh, thank you guys so much! You guys really planned a surprise party, just for me?" Lizzy hugged her sisters.
"Of course," Thistle told her. "It's your birthday, isn't it?"

They soon got on the dance floor, enjoying themselves. Thistle and Teetee began to "tango", just to make Lizzy laugh. It definately worked!

Soon they were all dancing and having a great time. Looks like Lizzy was really enjoying her party! But we weren't done yet!

We had Lizzy get on top of the Presents Table, where all of the presents were hidden inside.
"No," Thistle told Lizzy as the birthday girl stood, waiting in anticipation. "You have to turn around so it'll be more of a surprise."

Lizzy turned around and sat down obediently, as Thistle made sure she didn't peek and Teetee got out the present.

"Here you are!" Teetee said, presenting Lizzy with the neww book.
"You got me the book I wanted!" Lizzy cried happily, taking the book. "Thank you so much!"

Here is a picture of all of the presents Lizzy got. A songbook, as Lizzy loves to sing, an Oragami kit, as she is very artistic, and a World Power: Quiz Book (yes, Lizzy is very smart!).
But we still weren't done yet! There had been one certain thing Lizzy has wanted since January: clay. Recently, she has gotten into sculpture. I knew we had gotten her this present, so I was confused when Teetee announced that was the end of the presents. Teetee and Thistle began to clean up, and Lizzy offered to help them.
"No, you're the birthday girl," Thistle told her, but Lizzy insisted. So, as she pulled off the sleeping bag from the wall...

Clay! But not just clay, it also came with sculpture tools!
"Oh my gosh!" Lizzy yelled. "You got clay! Oh my gosh, thank you so much!" She went around and hugged each of us in turn.

Now, here are all of Lizzy's presents for real. She loved all of them!

And here is Lizzy, trying to hug all of her presents backwards while posing for the camera...I don't know if this really worked out. She lookes like she's guarding them, and has the "don't-touch-these-or-you-will-not-live-long" expression on her face!
In the end, Lizzy loved all of her presents and the party was very enjoyable! All four of us think it was a success, and we are already planning Felicity's birthday...without her knowing, of course!