I've finally put up a poll...a NEW poll. I had the old one up for so long!
Anyways, so...it's about which historical doll you think I'm getting. PLEASE VOTE!!! It's right at the top of the sidebar, right over --> there.
We,, that's all for now. I've been so busy, but this weekend I will do a photostory, I promise!
It was the first day of school for the Dolls today! Didn't I promise that I would post a photostory?
Anyway, The school they got to is different than most schools because they jump right in and start learning. The Dolls don't mind because they never get homework, since they're homeschooled. The teacher retired, but she gave me everything I need and told me to call her if I needed anything. So far, the Dolls have been fine. Today, we started off the school year by going outside and taking a look at plants. At our school, we take an entire day and devote it to one subject. Today was science, tomorrow is math, Wednsday is English, Thursday is History, and Friday is P.E. That way, the Dolls are more focused on one subject instead of moving around and shifting focus. As you know, today was Science, so we went outside to the garden. They all glanced around, staring at the garden. The looks on their faces told me that they knew that today was going to be fun. Thistle was unaware of the twigs in her hair. But Lizzy noticed them and helped her get them out. I asked them to tell me observations about some of the plants. Teetee went up to a green plant and touched one of it's leaves.
"It feels thick," Felicity observed. "But it's still soft and flimsy." "This flower feels really soft," Thistle added. "And it's bell-shaped." "This Rosemary smells really good," Lizzy observed. "And it looks prickly, but it's not." "That may not be prickly, but this pine is!" Felicity offered. "This flower has two colors," Thistle said wonderingly.
"That's because it's two different plants in the same pot," I told her. "This plant is really colorful, but it doesn't have any flowers!" Lizzy jumped in excitedly. "I'm going to paint a picture of it!" It was then that we all realized Thistle was limping.
"I'm fine," she insisted when I asked her about it.
"No, you're not," Lizzy told her. "We should go inside."
"I don't want to ruin everybody's fun," Thistle said sadly.
"You would be ruining our fun by staying out here and hurting yourself," Felicity put in. Thistle finally gave in and let us take her inside. The doctor had said that her ankle might start acting up occasionally. He told us to just make her rest for a while.
That's all of the pictures I have.
I'm so excited, my school starts tomorrow! It means a little less posting, but I will still try to come on regularly. Thanks for reading! I'll take pictures the next time we have a "field trip"!
Hey everyone! I've just been getting in touch with Picnik, so I haven't posted very much lately >_< Sorry! Anyway, here are some more pictures from my trip!!!  Here's where they were starting to pack up. Lizzy refused to let Thistle gold her sleeping bag.
 Lizzy made her sit down while SHE folded it instead, refusing to do her own packing until Thistle's was finished.
 But, when Lizzy was done with Thistle's packing and began to pack her own clothes away, Thistle secretly began folding Lizzy's sleeping bag.
 Lizzy didn't even seem to noice! Finally, after everything was packed, Lizzy and Felicity went outside to play some more before they left. Thistle decided to stay inside and read.
Well, THE END!! I hope you liked it... Thistle has a little surprise on her blog, but you have to go there in order to read it. She refuses to let me post it. That's all for today!!! -Doodledog
Here's another photostory I made from my trip...I hope you enjoy it!  I had invited the girls to go to Michaels with me, and Lizzy was the one who was mostly interested, so we brought her. She waited impatientely while we finished getting ready.
 In the car, she kept looking out the window irritibly, saying how it was taking forever to get there, when we had only been gone for about two minutes.
 So I put her in charge of the money.
 I told her to guard it really well, because we would be using it, and if we didn't have the money, we wouldn't be able to buy anything at Michaels. So she wrapped the Dolls' necklace around her hand and the money to make sure she wouldn't drop it.
 And here's what we got: Black sand
 Blue and green tossed glass, as well as pink and yellow and green tossed glass, but I didn't get a picture of that. And I absolutely adore this picture...I don't exactly know why.
 And, of course, glue!
 Here's a picture of the finished mosaic...it's the only picture I have that has the entire thing...and, well, after this picture was taken, the window fell and the glass broke. We managed to save the butterfly, still in one piece (the glue was holding it together) and the flower.
And so that concludes the photostory for today.
Also, a lot of doll blogs are sending their dolls on camp...do you think I should?
Sorry I've been gone for so long! I got back from my trip on Friday, but our internet's been acting kinda weird...
Anyways, HAPPY (late) FOURTH OF JULY!!!
And now, here are my pictures: (I have more, but I took so many pictures that I'm going to spread them out).  Lizzy and Felicity kicked off their shoes to soak their feet in the pool. But while Felicity got down to dip them in...
 She took a little bit of an unexpected swim! Lizzy and I helped her out, and she layed down to dry off and took a nap.
 Lizzy posed with her for the camera.
 It was then that Lizzy realized that Thistle might be lonely, so she went over to join her.
I only wish I could dip my feet in the water," Thistle said, looking longinly over to the pool.
"Well, just just can't get your cast wet, right?" Lizzy replied thoughtfully.
"That's right," Thistle answered, giving Lizzy a questioning look.
"Then you can dip your uninjured leg in that water!" Lizzy called excitedly.
"Oh! That's brilliant! Why didn't I think of that?!" Thistle cried, grinning from ear to ear.
 So Lizzy helped Thistle over to the pools edge and stayed guard to make sure that Thistle didn't accidentally fall like Felicity had.
 Finally, after she had dried off, Felicity woke up and shielded her face. "It's to hot," she mumbled. "The sun is burning my skin."
"Come to think of it, it is getting pretty hot out here," Thistle agreed. Lizzy nodded, squinting up at the blazing ball in the sky. "Let's go inside," she suggested.
That's all for today! I hope you liked it...I'll post more ASAP!!!
I bet you won't guess. Well, I was getting the dolls ready to go out for some fun in the sun, and Thistle fell off of a platform. And this had to take place: She broke her ankle and I had to make her a cast!  After I made the cast, I had to lay her down in her bed and cover her with blankets so she could get some rest.
 I let her sisters in when I went to get food.
"Maybe some outside playtime will cheer you up!" Felicity suggested, noticing how upset Thistle was.
"Yeah," Thistle replied, beginning to smile. "Lizzy, can you help me up?"
 Lizzy bent down and grabbed Thistle's hand to pull her up.
 Thistle stood on her uninjured leg for a moment, then began to put weight on her broken ankle
 She fell down instantly with a yelp of pain.
 She fell onto a pile of books and began to cry. "My ankle hurts so much, I can't even stand on it!" she said miserably.
 The sisters, feeling horrible, bent down to help her up, careful to keep her ankle off of the ground.
 With Thistle between them, they escorted her, tears still streaming down her face, back to her bed.
 They placed her back in her bed gently.
 In the end, Thistle decided to go back to sleep while Teetee and Elizabeth
So, in the end, POOR THISTLE!!!!! She's hoping she'll get some sympathy comments, so if you all could all just say, "I hope you heal fast!" or "I'm so sorry this happened! I hope you get well soon!" in a comment, both she and I would really appriciate it :)
Thanks in advance!!!
So, this is my second post today. If you haven't seen my first in which we begin "celebration", scroll down to my last post.
Anyway, I went outside, wanting to make a full-on photostory, and then realized that it is WAY too hot to do too much. So I took a few pictures with some storyline to them. Yay!
PHOTOSTORY: ADVENTURE OUTDOORS pictures and storyline by: Doodledog
 When we first went outside, all of the girls were increadibly disappointed because...well, you can guess. I had to explain to them that this wasn't the best part.
 When we went down, Felicity fell in some spiderwebs!
 I don't know if you can see them that well, but the spiderwebs are on the top...or what's left of the spiderwebs...
 Lizzy posed in front of the creek that runs past my backyard...I'm surprised it's not mostly dried up yet!
 Little Clumsy Amythest fell on the way down. Luckily, she wasn't hurt.
 Felicity looked out calmly to the running water. She REALLY likes running water.
So, sadly, that's all I could handle out there for now. But no worries, I'll try and take more during the week and the rest of the summer. But I'll only be able to take about this many photos at a time, with the hotness out there and three dolls rolling around in spiderwebs and falling down. All three of them fell down this big dip, I was surprised (but thankful) that no one was injured. Except Amythest, she escaped with a couple of scrapes to the knees. But she's fine, no blood or anything. Anyways, I still think I'll be back later today. Write you later!
(P.S. Please please PLEASE vote on my survey! It's just on the sidebar, you don't have to give any personal information or anything...just vote! Thanks in advance!)
Today was Lizzy's birthday, so Teetee, Thistle, and I decided to hold a surprise party for her. Teetee and Thistle refused to go out and buy any decorations, insisting that they "had it all planned out". My job was to distract Lizzy until noon, while the other girls decorated and hid her presents. I took Lizzy to the mall (her favorite place to go), and she got a bunch of art supplies. And when we came back, Lizzy went up to the American Girl's room to put away her new stuff, and she found...  "SURPRISE!" Teetee and Thistle yelled in unison, jumping out from their hiding places. At first, Lizzy looked very confused, and then extremely delighted. Even I was surprised at the decoration!
 They had used their sleeping bags to decorate! I thought it was very creative, and by putting a sleeping bag over the table, one on the floor (used for a dance floor), and one hanging up against the back wall, they had transformed the room!
 "Oh my gosh," Lizzy said blissfully. "Oh my gosh, thank you guys so much! You guys really planned a surprise party, just for me?" Lizzy hugged her sisters.
"Of course," Thistle told her. "It's your birthday, isn't it?"
 They soon got on the dance floor, enjoying themselves. Thistle and Teetee began to "tango", just to make Lizzy laugh. It definately worked!
 Soon they were all dancing and having a great time. Looks like Lizzy was really enjoying her party! But we weren't done yet!
 We had Lizzy get on top of the Presents Table, where all of the presents were hidden inside.
"No," Thistle told Lizzy as the birthday girl stood, waiting in anticipation. "You have to turn around so it'll be more of a surprise."
 Lizzy turned around and sat down obediently, as Thistle made sure she didn't peek and Teetee got out the present.
 "Here you are!" Teetee said, presenting Lizzy with the neww book.
"You got me the book I wanted!" Lizzy cried happily, taking the book. "Thank you so much!"
 Here is a picture of all of the presents Lizzy got. A songbook, as Lizzy loves to sing, an Oragami kit, as she is very artistic, and a World Power: Quiz Book (yes, Lizzy is very smart!).
But we still weren't done yet! There had been one certain thing Lizzy has wanted since January: clay. Recently, she has gotten into sculpture. I knew we had gotten her this present, so I was confused when Teetee announced that was the end of the presents. Teetee and Thistle began to clean up, and Lizzy offered to help them.
"No, you're the birthday girl," Thistle told her, but Lizzy insisted. So, as she pulled off the sleeping bag from the wall...  Clay! But not just clay, it also came with sculpture tools!
"Oh my gosh!" Lizzy yelled. "You got clay! Oh my gosh, thank you so much!" She went around and hugged each of us in turn.
 Now, here are all of Lizzy's presents for real. She loved all of them!
 And here is Lizzy, trying to hug all of her presents backwards while posing for the camera...I don't know if this really worked out. She lookes like she's guarding them, and has the "don't-touch-these-or-you-will-not-live-long" expression on her face!
In the end, Lizzy loved all of her presents and the party was very enjoyable! All four of us think it was a success, and we are already planning Felicity's birthday...without her knowing, of course!
Guess what? My school has Friday off, therefore I have a three day weekend! And you know what that means...most likely, another photostory! I'm planning what it will be about...any ideas?
Hey! Here's my new photostory I promised you...you can probably get a slight idea about what it's about from the title...
So, the girls came down and got ready for breakfast (cereal with apples). Felicity and Elizabeth started on their cereal, and I left to use the restroom quickly, while Amythest took a bite out of her apple, and suddenly...  "OUCH!" Amythest yelled, grabbing at her mouth. "Ow! Ow! Mommy, my tooth hurts! Ow!"
 "What happened?" Elizabeth asked, coming over to comfort Amythest.
"My tooth is loose!" Amythest said worridly (she didn't know that baby teeth fell out, nor did her siblings). "What's wrong with me?"
"I'm sure nothings wrong with you," Felicity told her. "I'll go get Mom."
 When Felicity came back with me, here were Elizabeth and Amythest. Thistle was sitting on the folded-up sleeping bags looking worried and upset, and Lizzy was comforting her.
"So, you have a loose tooth I hear?" I said softly to Thistle. She started crying.
"What's gonna happen to me?" She sobbed.
"Nothing! Loosing your baby teeth is normal. Everyone does it. That just means your big, permanent teeth are coming in. Looks like you're the first to have a permanent tooth!"
 "R-really?" Thistle looked up at me, her tears slowing.
"Yes, really," I told her.
"Yay!" Thistle jumped up in happiness. "I'm not weird! I don't have to have surgery!"
"That's great!" Lizzy said, coming up to hug her sister. Teetee (in the backround) stayed quiet, looking a little upset.
 Thistle and Lizzy grabbed each other and began to jump up and down in happiness. It took them a moment to realize that someone wasn't joining them.
 "Come on and join the celebration!" Lizzy invited, and the two stuck their hands out.
"I'll pass," Teetee mumbled, leaving.
"Why's she upset?" Thistle whispered, her lip beginning to quiver again (she hates it when her sibling are sad/angry/unhappy).
"I'll talk to her," Lizzy promised.
 Lizzy followed Teetee and found her sitting on the sleeping bags.
"What's wrong?" Lizzy asked sensitively.
"She's the youngest!" Teetee told her angrily. "I'm the oldest, I should loose a tooth first! It's not fair!"
"We all grow at our own pase," Lizzy reminded her. "C'mon, Mom always told us that. We'll loose our first tooth soon."
"I want to loose mine now," Teetee complained.
"You can't," Lizzy told her firmly. "That's a fact, facts can't be changed. So, come on, congratulate your sister. It makes her sad that your upset."
Teetee stiffined a moment. "I suppose your right," she murmered after a moment of silence, and followed Lizzy back to where Thistle was waiting.
 "I'm sorry I was angry," Teetee told Thistle. "I was being silly. Will you forgive me?"
"Of course!" Thistle said, sounding relieved that Felicity was OK.
 They all joined hands and began to celebrate the loose tooth. (And they all lived happily ever after...until the next photostory...)
Well, I hope you guys liked this photostory! Sorry I posted it a little late, I was busy with cleaning the rest of the day. Feel free to comment on the story! Thanks for reading Girls Only!